
Dusting the blog

While dusting the blog and making sure the removal of Markdown hadn’t left any post unreadable (lucky for me I don’t post all that much hum) I came across this and this. Oddest thing about it was that I bothered transcribing them but never publishing them, silly me.

Anyways markdown is off with the help of this markdown page and a bit of manual labor, I suppose I could of made a php hack to do it on the go to the database but since it was just a few posts I ended up doing it by hand, silly me i spose.

PS: So far wordpress html editor seems much improved, not bad…

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WordPress update horror

Just updated to the latest WordPress version (2.5) and horror of horrors it mangled some of the text, namely characters like “ç”, “á”, etc were replaced by garbage. Think i’ve fixed most of the articles but some may still be horribly disfigured, the dangerous of not making backups ladies and gentleman.

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Blasted into the pass

Well I was at least in the graphical side, I was just enjoying a nice relaxing 1on1 of Counter Strike: Source when my not so GeForce 6600GT died of unknown causes leaving me without a usable computer (single PCIe enabled PC around).

Luckily a friend had a S3 Virge/DX I could borrow so I was able to get back at my computer but dam, talk about living in the past :p One day a 1280×1024 resolution is a normal thing, today it’s a luxury I can’t afford, not only that but apparently the Microsoft provided driver doesn’t do overlay so no more TV, video gets weird and games, only if they render in software :(.

So I guess I’m left with browsing the web and working on my code, guess that maybe in the end that’s not such a bad thing…

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64 Bit is coming

Oh yes it is and I’d be jumping right in at lest I would if I could…

After a quick analysis of my hardware I’ve found it all to be compatible, NVIDIA has drivers for it’s Graphic cards and NForce Chipsets, Creative also as some beta drivers available but the TV card is not.

Not just that but DScaler, the application I use for my TV needs also uses built in drivers so it wont work as well.

I’ve sent an email Prolinks way to see what’s their position on 64bits but jugging by what other (better know) brands are doing I believe they’ll most likely ignore the subject.

So that’s my situation, I can move on to Windows 64 but I’d loose my TV and my 2 buttons on my gamepad (but that’s something I can live with).

With software, Daemon Tools would be the most important since it uses drivers but a beta version for 64bits is already being tested, also 7-Zip the most resource hungry application I use is planed to have a 64bit build in April after the Windows 64 release everything else should be compatible except win16 apps which I don’t use, but some installer still use win16 code so I’ll have to try and see. Almost forgot that there’s some other stuff that isn’t supported, but I’m not to worried about it.

In conclusion when Windows 64 comes out I’ll probably dual boot into it until the TV card situation is solved, in the end it’s better then nothing now if only there was a 64bit steam :p

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